Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Midnight Son

The other day I was kindly asked to help an indie filmmaker/producer promote his upcoming feature vampire movie entitled Midnight Son. I got his email when I was in class and I watched his trailer… while in class with the sound off. The visuals were very nice and when I finally got around to watching it on my own time I really like the direction they are going with it. I felt as though the movie was sort of like Romero’s Martin meets Thirst and it’s a whole new twist on the vampire genre. Anywho, I’m hoping to get a chance to see this movie and to review it on The Paradise. Below is the trailer and a list of links about the movie. Hope you enjoy.

Official website

Official Facebook

Official Twitter

Also, some of my blogger friends might be getting a few emails from him. I gave him some people that might be interested in indie film promoting.

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