Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Riffing On Some Goosebumps Commercials

A while ago I had the crazy idea to iRiff on the Goosebumps episode ‘The Haunted Mask,’ but I decided that before I do this I should test a few things out. I needed to test out whether or not my computer mic worked, if I was funny and if the editing would be easy to deal with. The result of all this is me riffing on assorted Goosebumps commercials that I ripped off of YouTube. Below is the video of me harmlessly poking fun at a TV serious that I would always love.

Yes, though it may seem like I hate Goosebumps, I don’t in actuality. They were pretty good for the time they were made but I liked to give them a hard time anyway. I know, the jokes on here may not be funny but I am not Kevin Murphy or Bill Corbett. So please enjoy this exorcise in comedy and in riffing.


  1. haha oh no Ultimate Goosebumps!

  2. "...if I was funny..."

    I know what you mean, I've been beta testing myself for years now.

    I enjoyed your riffs, I laughed quite a few times. I look forward to seeing what you do with a whole episode.

  3. Yeah, I'm probably going to riff on a couple more commercials before I do an entire episode. Get this whole riffing thing down.
