Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Calling All Zombie Writers!

Fellow writers and those who want to get some of their stories out there; this post is directed towards you! Yes, you! Fellow book reviewer, Lyle Perez of Buy Zombie, is putting together a zombie anthology book for charity. It’s going to be Christmas themed so that should go over quite well in the imaginations of us zombie fans. If you are interested in contributing a zombie short story, please read the press release below:

Calling for Submissions

The Undead That Saved Christmas

Anthology edited and compiled by Lyle Perez-Tinics

Send submissions to Contact@UndeadintheHead.com (Please attach a .Doc or .PDF file containing your story. The first page of your story must contain your contact information and word count.)

Deadline is Aug. 20, 2010

Target release date Oct. 1, 2010

The Undead That Saved Christmas is a charity anthology of short-stories. all proceeds will go to the Hugs Foster Family Agency (www.hugsffa.org) to help them give their foster children gifts this holiday season.

I am seeking Christmas/holiday themed short-stories ranging from 3000-10,000 words. The stories should have strong holiday themes and must contain zombies. Other then that it is all up to you. Be as gruesome as you'd like but keep in mind, the big kids at Hugs Foster might find a copy of this anthology in their stockings. Original stories only, please to reprints. Multiple submissions are find up to three stories.

This anthology is for charity. There will be no payments and no contributor copies. This project is for exposure only, and to help the foster kids at Hugs Foster Family Agency have a joyful holiday season this year.

In order to accumulate the most funds possible this anthology will be self-published. I am working on finding the best route possible. If anyone has information or suggestions on this please feel free to contact me at the email above.

Everyone is welcome to submit a story. If you have any question or would like more information please feel free to contact me at the e-mail above. Thank you so much for taking the time and I hope you consider this charity opportunity.

Remember: this could be your big start in the publishing profession and you could use this on a resume and it's for a good cause. I know I'll be participating in this and I hope you take this opportunity to do as well.

Source: Buy Zombie

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