Sunday, March 7, 2010

Thank You Brian and the Cyber Horror Awards

A few months ago I contacted Brian Soloman of Vault of Horror asking if I could participate in the Cyber Horror Awards. This was during the beginning stages of my blog so it was a while ago and this was before I really knew about him or his blog. Well, when I got the email I was thrilled that he still remembered (partially because I had forgot about the awards and I asked him if I was one of the voters.) Well, I did my part and I am pleased to have been a part of it because not only did I have a change to state my votes but also because it indirectly led me to some cool horror blogs.

I don’t want to bore you with the winters and nominees because you can find them all online, just follow the links. However, I would like to thank Brian for creating this nifty award ceremony because it gives us bloggers a chance to choose for ourselves who we think deserves an award and why. Though the award is not nearly as big as it probably should be… I am sure that within time this will be and I will support it all the way. Thanks Brian and thank you all for supporting it.

The winners of the 2009 Cyber Horror Awards
The post on The Vault of Horror

1 comment:

  1. Rick, it was a pleasure to have you among the voters. I'm also hoping the awards will get bigger with future installments--I'm even pondering coming up with actual physical certificates to send to winners!
