Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Jack Chop (2009)

After hearing about it everywhere… I finally got done watching Adam Green’s Jack Chop on YouTube and like the film last year, I love this one as well!!!! What I love about it is simple; we have all seen those faux commercials parodying infomercials, well, this one takes it to the next step and turns it into a gore fest!!!! Hell, it reminds me of those ‘commercials’ that MADtv uses with Will Sasso. Although, this one is much funnier. I love the host because he swears like a trucker and even after he loose multiple fingers and even an eye, he is still energetic and funny… probably satirizing the hosts of any infomercial.

Congrats Adam… you made yet another great Halloween short. I think we have all had trouble carving pumpkins at one point or the other. 

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