Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Vampires of the Titty Twister

From Blogger Pictures

I have always enjoyed From Dusk Till Dawn because of its witty humor; brutal violence, story and extreme wackiness but the one thing that has always fascinated me about this movie would be the makeup, costuming and special effects. For me, this was the first time that Quentin Tarantino and Rodriguez did a gory horror movie and it was a blast… but what I found even more interesting would be how the vampires looked. This is a semi-deep look into the types of vampires that Q&R have used in their movie.

WARNING: This is very irrelevant.

The Simple Q&R Vampire:

This is just your plain and simple vampire. Fangs and blotted out eyes. This is a throw back to the original vampire design and it’s not until they get extremely pissed off do they turn into the more modern traditional looking vamps. These are still okay in my book but now since things have been revised so many times, I am hoping for a new design. Enter…

From Blogger Pictures

The Traditional Q&R Vampire:

This is your typical vampire… fangs, muscular body, endurance and great strength. His face is a little mutated but it still retains its human features. Most of the time he or she is snarling and yelling. When it comes to vampires, I prefer them this way because they are kind of a mix of human and troll looking things… but I am not picky, all the vampires in this movie I enjoy, but there are plenty of these types everywhere in the film.

From Blogger Pictures

The Reptilian Q&R Vampire:

I wasn’t really sure how I felt about this type of vampire for the first time I saw this movie, since it was out of the norm and it was something that I wasn’t used to. I was always used to straight up human looking vampires but after watching this a few more times… I gain a respect for reptilian vampires. I don’t think they should ever do a feature film on these types because they only work in moderations; this film, had only one or two and that’s really how it should be.

From Blogger Pictures

The Troll-Thing Q&R Vampire:

This is perhaps one of my favorite vampire designs ever… it crosses over the line of traditional and revision because these types of vampire look like trolls and goblins with sharp teeth and a mouth in their stomachs. They are ‘vampire’ to the extreme and they almost funny looking, which makes sense because this is a movie that should not be taken seriously. If they made a movie that more of these kinds of vampires… I would be satisfied!

From Blogger Pictures

The Rat-Dog-Thing Q&R Vampire:

Rightfully named, there is no other way to describe this thing other than a rat-dog-thing-vampire. It’s kind of like a combination between a deformed animal and the troll vampires, although this one is more of an animal. I really enjoyed this one and it was a shame that it only had such a small roll.

So that’s my little categorization of all the vampires that were covered in From Dusk Till Dawn, I do not know why I created this but this is something that I have always admired about this movie. I figured that it would be worth a post. If you don’t like it, then, don’t read it… although if you are reading this now, chances are you read the whole thing. Thanks!!


  1. A very original idea pointing out all of the different kinds of vampires. I like the troll one a lot as well. ;-)

  2. I like it-- creative idea. Well done (although I would've liked a pic of the Rat/Dog Thing Vamp).

    - bogie
