Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thorax Cake

Yes folks, for us horror fans I have found several disgusting looking cakes on this blog that would please us very much. Everything from a thorax cake to heart cupcakes to brain cakes. Now all you gorehounds that want to eat human remains without actually eating real human remains can!!!! Though I am not a good cook I hope to one day find somebody that could make this cake so that I can taste it. This would be great for a Halloween party.

Click here for the link. 

Here is the rundown of what each organ is:
Heart - orange cake with raspberry sauce
Lungs - apple spice cake with strawberry sauce
Kidneys - orange cake with blueberry sauce
Stomach - ginger cake with mango sauce
Liver - chocolate cake with kiwi sauce
Small Intestine - jelly roll with red currant jelly

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