What can I possibly complain about the Stephen Spielberg classic Jaws? Well, it’s something that always left me a little cold and it happens in the infamous opening sequence. The movie is about a shark that terrorizes a picturesque summer getaway known as Amity Island but to show the shark is a cold blooded killer they need a first victim and this is where the beginning comes into play. A young and rather sexy looking woman takes a dive into the water while her boyfriend lounges on the beach, this of course is happening at dusk I think. The shark grabs the young woman’s feel jolting her back and forth and eventually consuming here. This is what always got to me, even now as I re watch it.
This woman is screaming her brains out for somebody to help her and her boyfriend doesn’t even pop his head up to see if she is okay, he just assumes that she is. It always bothered me because if I were him I would be running out into the water to at least try to help her. Perhaps is the Hollywood convention that prevent him from doing anything, you know, in order to build suspense and fear but that still leaves me bitter. The woman shouldn’t have been killed… she was making it very obvious that something was attacking her and nobody came to her rescue. They played it off as though the boyfriend didn’t know she was being attacked but I say that’s a crock.
No, he was drunk as shit. Remember? He was muttering, "I'm coming... I'm coming... I'm *definitely* coming..." as he was passing out while she was being devoured. Get it? Sex and death, viola!
Even still... however, that is a pretty interesting note to point out! Even in a movie about a killer shark they back up the age old saying of sex=death.
Even a 26-year-old Spielberg can't resist it.
Ahhh, thank you Will. You took the words right out of my mouth. Drunk as a skunk leads to girlfriend's death by sharp teeth. At least he followed the age old warning not to drink and swim...
Nice blog
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